Costs And Timeframes For Achieving Accreditation

These are common questions asked by applicants seeking UACB accreditation. There is no one precise answer, but the following information provides the factors that can effect the costs and timeframes associated within Achieving accreditation from UACB:

How much will accreditation cost?

The costs of accreditation differ based on the following factors:

These factors will affect the number and type of assessments to be undertaken during the initial assessment and for ongoing surveillance.

Once accredited, the annual fees and certificate fees will be charged. These are published through our accreditation manual, available to all applicant and accredited bodies.

How long will it take for our organisation to become accredited after we apply?

The length of time that it will take to gain accreditation will be dependent on how well prepared the applicant is. The major issues that we encounter with applications that extend out the timeframes include:

If all is in good order, UACB can usually schedule the first visit within three months of receipt of application, with the complete process taking between 6-8 months from application to accreditation.

Fees Structure

The fee structure is based on the following criteria:

Application Fee

This is the Initial Amount which has be remitted by the applicant Organization to proceed with desired accreditation program. This shall be paid in Advance.

Program Fee

Program fee is the Amount paid for the desired Accreditation, and does not include Assessment, Travel , Lodging & Boarding and Translation fees etc .

Assessment Fee

Amount Paid for the involvement of auditor and Technical expert or other required Resources.

Certification Fee

This amount is paid per Certificate issued by the organizations.

For Detailed info:

Write to [email protected]

Mode Of Payment

Payments may be made via bank Transfer ( Cheque and DD can be accepted ) Non-UK based Organizations are made by Bank Transfer.